
Albert Brecher

Snap course
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
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date of recording:
And in 1940, when I was a long time at home? In May 1940, since I have been through an explosive rate of the Reich peasantry, which was called, an explosive rate in Tanneben belongs to Sellrain, cultural explosions. Since I have sticks, so larch trees, sticks, stumps, blasted out from the ground, so we have had a better and more hay meadow is gewachsn. If the larches .. standing, one must first .. gather up the sticks, so you can mow at all, otherwise you have no cutting gelcih once more or not get through. And as I have then ten larch poles up there in the meadow, forest beginning, I have blown out. And my father has some doubts as to whether it works well. But ten sticks I have since blown out. - - - But in the workbook, there is nothing of blasting and so on, but only: "He can mow, milking, harvesting beets and chop."